Publications on Educations

  1. Zhen Jiang, Eduardo Fernandez, and Liang Cheng, A pedagogical pattern for teaching computer programming to non-CS majors, in Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Pattern Language of Program (PLoP), in conjunction with ACM FLASH 2011, October 21-23, Portland, Oregon, 2011.
  2. Liang Cheng and Dale Parson, Bridging undergraduate learning and research in software and hardware, Proceedings of 2004 Workshop on Computer Architecture Education, pp. 70-73, Munich, Germany, June 19, 2004.
  3. Liang Cheng, Hands-on networking laboratory experiments design, ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Computer Networking: Curriculum Designs and Educational Challenges, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, August 20, 2002.

Liang Cheng, Ph.D. © 2015